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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hancock, ME

location-map Hancock , ME | (207) 367 3659

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Do you want to: - transform old emotions that have been stored in the cellular structure of your body? - make a decision to choose your own healing path? -change emotional thoughts? - eliminate pain or physical symptoms that have no real diagnosis? - release anxiety and trauma stored in your body? - shift adaptive patterns that are no longer serving you? - get rid of something that stops you from living the quality of life that you want? - relieve inner conflict or behaviors you dislike? Then come see me! Give yourself this gift and discover what your inner wisdom has for you. It is all inside your body and mind. I am a certified BodyMind Bridge Hypnotherapist and hold my masters degree in mental health counseling. Hypnotherapy is an amazing modality that will help you explore, navigate and connect with your deeper levels of your mind where you can find freeing information. Explore the deep root cause of your symptoms. Reiki, sacred witness listening offered. If you suffer from ongoing emotional, mental or physical symptoms, let me guide you to access deep levels of your mind to accomplish your own healing! Tune into your body's healing intelligence, come along side your emotions and quiet your overactive mind! A breakthrough healing system that enlists the incredible awareness of your mind and body.

location-map Hancock , ME | (207) 613 1362

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I offer integrative psychotherapy specializing in a mindfulness-centered form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). I have over 20 years experience treating anxiety, depression, grief/ loss, trauma, body image, chronic illness, stress, relationship issues, and working with life transitions from a holistic perspective. My work focuses on helping people strengthen capacities to cope with the challenges of their lives, recover an authentic sense of self, and deepen into healthy, resonant relationships. My focus is to engage in a collaborative effort to support discovering one's potential and a life that is worth celebrating. Therapy can provide a safe space where we can learn to relate to ourselves, and to others, with authenticity and compassion. Becoming aware, in the moment, of what keeps us stuck can give us the opportunity to respond to situations with intentionality, instead of repeating unhelpful old patterns. I strive to provide a safe, caring, and compassionate environment where you can explore new ways of being and relating. I like to introduce mindfulness into sessions as a way of slowing down and coping with difficult thoughts or emotions. Please contact me with any questions you may have. I offer web-based video counseling and phone sessions.

location-map Hancock , ME | (305) 849 0646

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Licence Information:

LC18429 | Maine

location-map Hancock , ME | (207) 569 3741

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I offer low cost $35 sessions to fill a need for those with no insurance, a high co-pay, or want complete confidentiality. Therapy International has always sought to make counseling accessible to everyone and I also have a $15/25 minute Try-it-Out session. Living with depression, anxiety, fear, and stress, including difficulties with sexual identity, is a terrible way to live. I have experience and expertise in these areas and will use that experience to help you. Call, text, email, or you can make an appointment at I look forward to talking with you! I have a bachelor's degree in biology, an LPN nursing license, and personal training from an LMHC/LCPC. I've learned many theoretical aspects of psychology, and have had practical experience in the field including working in a mental health hospital, assisting in a mental health counselor's office, and my own personal experiences. Finding a good counselor or therapist can be a difficult and expensive process. I offer my sessions as cost-effective as I can make them. Everyone has problems at some point in their life and money shouldn't be the factor that stops them from seeking help. Reach out and schedule an appointment. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful day!